

1) Bibliographic Information

Air quality problems inside a house following a fire.

Tsuchiya, Yoshio. Inst. Res. Constr., Natl. Res. Counc. Canada, Ottawa, ON, Can. Journal of Fire

Sciences (1992), 10(1), 58-71. CODEN: JFSCDV ISSN: 0734-9041. Journal written in English.

CAN 116:240944 AN 1992:240944 CAPLUS (Copyright 2005 ACS on SciFinder (R))


Exptl. box fires and a field study were conducted to investigate air quality problems following the fire.

The concns. of combustion products and no. of days after the fire showed a good linear correlation on a

log-log scale. The decay of combustion products was faster in humid conditions than in dry conditions.

There was a correlation between the b.p. of compds. and the decay const. Some compds. remained at

higher-than-normal concns. for several hundred or several thousand days. Field studies of refurbished

houses showed results consistent with the exptl. study.

(Seite 59 und 62 Rahmen)


2) Bibliographic Information

Determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emitted from biomass burning of

Mediterranean vegetation species by GC-MS.

Ciccioli, Paolo; Brancaleoni, Enzo; Frattoni, Massimiliano; Cecinato, Angelo; Pinciarelli, Luca. Istituto

sull’Inquinamento Atmosferico del CNR, Monterotondo Scalo, Italy. Analytical Letters (2001), 34(6),

937-955. CODEN: ANALBP ISSN: 0003-2719. Journal written in English. CAN 135:230738 AN

2001:447218 CAPLUS (Copyright 2005 ACS on SciFinder (R))


High resoln. gas chromatog.-mass spectrometry was used to identify and quantify volatile org. compds.

(VOC) emitted during combustion of biomass commonly burned in the Mediterranean area in summer.

More than 200 components were identified and quantified in the emissions. Data obtained can be used to

model the potential impact of forest fires and some agricultural practices on tropospheric O3 formation

and acid deposition.

(Seite 948)



3) Bibliographic Information

Cool flames and molecular structure of organic compounds.

Baronnet, F.; Brocard, J. C. Dep. Chim. Phys. React., Nancy, Fr. Oxidation Communications (1983),

4(1-4), 83-95. CODEN: OXCODW ISSN: 0209-4541. Journal written in English. CAN 102:9080

AN 1985:9080 CAPLUS (Copyright 2005 ACS on SciFinder (R))


A semi-empirical correlation was developed between the cool-flame behavior of an org. substance and its

mol. structure. This correlation is based on the relative isomerization rate of the alkyl peroxy radical

derived from the org. mol. by H abstraction and addn. of an O2 mol. The results were compared with

those obtained by several authors on 56 different org. substances under the exptl. conditions where cool

flames are usually obsd. (at 300-350° and subatmospheric pressure). This shows that the rate of

isomerization should be at least equal to that of the step which involves a transfer of primary H atom via a

6-membered transition ring. The case of the tert-Bu peroxy radicals is discussed. The good agreement

between this correlation and the literature shows that isomerization of alkyl peroxy radicals should have an

important kinetic role in many oxidn. reactions. The correlation covers a wider range of org. compds. than

those of other authors and seems in good agreement with present knowledge of oxidn. kinetics; it also

suggests the necessity of further exptl. work.

(Seite 85 und 88)



4) Untersuchung des Abbrandes und der Brandgase ausgewählter Holzarten

in Abhängigkeit vom chemischen und strukturellen Holzaufbau

Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors rer. silv. Albert Lingens

Lehrstuhl für Holzkunde und Holztechnik an der Fakultät Wissenschaftszentum Weihstephen der TU München

2003 (Seiten128, 130, 132, 199, 201)



5) Bibliographic Information

Emission of volatile carbonyl compounds by living plants.

Isidorov, V.; Jaroszynska, J.; Sacharewicz, J.; Dzierno, J. Institute of Chemistry, University in Bialystok,

Bialystok, Pol. Editor(s): Borrell, Patricia M.; Borrell, Peter. Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium

’98: Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Mar.

23-27, 1998 (1999), Meeting Date 1998, 2 89-92. Publisher: WIT Press, Southampton, UK CODEN:

68CAA6 Conference written in English. CAN 131:232769 AN 1999:578221 CAPLUS (Copyright

2005 ACS on SciFinder (R))


In contrast to isoprene and terpenes, virtually no oxygen-contg. volatile org. compd. emissions have been

characterized from the standpoint of their dependence on environmental conditions (e.g., temp.,

illumination, humidity). Without this information, it is not possible to evaluate the scale of emissions of

these reactive compds. in to the atm. This work attempted to remedy this problem. Carbonyl compds.

emitted from English oak, Norway maple, and aspen under dark and light conditions were analyzed and

the results are reported. (Seite 90)



6) Volatile organic compounds and isoprene oxidation products at a temperate deciduous forest site

1998 Detlef Helmig, Jim Greenberg, Alex Guenther and Pat Zimmerman

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado (Seite 22,400 und Fig. 2)



7) Review of Air Discharges, Federal/State Air Regulation and Selected Air Pollution Issues at

the Stone Container Corporation Hopewell Mill 2002 (Seite 6)



8) Guidance on the Management of Landfill Gas 2002 (Seite 63)






10) Isopren „Überraschende Endeckung über dem Amazonas“

es werden 500 MilionenTonnen Isopren jährlich ausgestossen: Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz

Science, 303, 113-1176, 20 Februar 2004



11) GAW Brief Nr. 4 des Deutschen Wetter Dienstes

max. Konzentration von Isopren wird im Sommer gemessen.



12) Bibliographic Information

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of carbonyl compounds in cigarette mainstream smoke

after derivatization with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Dong, Ji-Zhou; Moldoveanu, Serban C.

Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation, Macon, GA, USA. Journal of Chromatography, A (2004),

1027(1-2), 25-35. CODEN: JCRAEY ISSN: 0021-9673. Journal written in English. CAN

140:282712 AN 2004:31340 CAPLUS (Copyright 2005 ACS on SciFinder (R))


An improved gas chromatog.-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method was described for the anal. of carbonyl

compds. in cigarette mainstream smoke (CMS) after 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) derivatization.

Besides formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, acrolein, propionaldehyde, Me Et ketone, butyraldehyde,

and crotonaldehyde that are routinely analyzed in cigarette smoke, this technique separates and allows the

anal. of several C4, C5 and C6 isomeric carbonyl compds. Differentiation could be made between the linear

and branched carbon chain components. In cigarette smoke, the branched chain carbonyls are found at

higher level than the linear chain carbonyls. Also, several trace carbonyl compds. such as

methoxyacetaldehyde were found for the first time in cigarette smoke. For the anal., cigarette smoke was

collected using DNPH-treated pads, which is a simpler procedure compared to conventional impinger

collection. Thermal decompn. of DNPH-carbonyl compds. was minimized by the optimization of the GC

conditions. The linear range of the method was significantly improved by using a std. mixt. of DNPHcarbonyl

compds. instead of individual compds. for calibration. The min. detectable quantity for the

carbonyls ranged from 1.4 to 5.6 mg/cigarette.

(Tabelle 3, 4 und 8 sowie Fig. 4 und 5)




John C. Lefingwell and E..D. Alford

Electronic Journal of Environmental, AAgricultural and Food Chemistry, 4(2),

2005 March - April Issue (Seite 6)



14) Bericht der Projektgruppe „Akkreditierung“ Stand 18.05.2004 - Bundeskriminalamt



15) Ständige IMK - 175. Sitzung der Ständigen Konferenz der Innenminister und -senatoren der Länder

am 19.11.2004 in Lübeck  (Seite 13)



16) Richtlinien der „Geselllschaft für Toxikologische und Forensioche Chemie“ (GTFCh)

Diese Richtlinien wurden mir kleinen Änderungen auch von LKÄ und dem BKA verabschiedet.



17) Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege Berlin - Forschungsbericht 1999 - 2002



18) Algemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zum Verfahren der behördlichen Überwachung

der Einhaltung der Grundsätze der Guten Laborpraxis (ChemVwV-GLP) vom 15.Mai 1997



19) Richtlinie 2004/10/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 11.Feb. 2004

zur Angleichung der Rechts- und Verwaltungsvorschriften für die Anwendung der Grundsätze

der Guten Laborpraxis und zur Kontrolle ihrere Anwendung bei Versuchen mit chemischen Stoffen.



20) Anlage zur Akkreditierungsurkunde DAP-PL-3984.00 nach DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005

vom 08.03.2006 für Kriminaltechnisches Institut des Bundeskriminalamtes


Neu - Waffen, Munition, Handschriften 04.07.2007


21) Anlage zur Akkreditierungsurkunde DAP-PL-3380.99 nach DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000

vom 21.02.2006 für Polizeipräsident in Berliln - Landeskriminalamt

Kompetenzzentrum Kriminaltechnik (LKA KT)


Neu - 31.05.2007


22) EC/ EUROTRAC-2 Joint Workshop Paris 9-11 September 2002

Shaping the Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research in Europe  (Seiten 79 - 82)



23) DIN 32645 Chemische Analytik

Nachweis-, Erfassungs- und Bestimmungsgrenze



24) The detection and indentification of denatured alcohol in fire debris samples

Rochaix VT, Champod C, Lennard C - Institut de Police Scientifique et de Criminologie,

University of Lausane, Switzerland

Proceedings of the 13th Meeing of the International Association of Forensic Sciences,

Düsseldorf, August 22nd to 28th, 1993 - ADVANCES IN FORENSIC SCIENCES,




NEU !!!


25)  Appendix F - JET AIRCRAFT EMISSIONS  (Seiten 12 und 28)



26)  Chemisch-analytische Untersuchung von Brandursachen

Dr. Joachim Huth  s+s report  Nr. 3  Juni 2007




September 2005, Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Branch Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment California Environmental Protection Agency  (mehrere Seiten)



28) Analysis of accelerants in fire debris by capillary gas liquid chromatographie

Antony D. Cafe, Juni 1988, Department of material science university of technologie Sydney



29)  Qualifizierung von Halbleiter-Gassensoren für die Detektion spezifischer organischer Rauchgaskomponenten

Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften
der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Fachbereich 07 vorgelegt von
Andreas Eberheim aus Schotten
Institut für Angewandte Physik Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Juni 2003  (Seite 127)



30)  Emissions from Diesel and Gasoline Engines Measured in Highway Tunnels

Real-World Particulate Matter and Gaseous Emissions from Motor Vehicles in a Highway Tunnel Alan W Gertler, John A Gillies, William R Pierson, C Fred Rogers, John C Sagebiel, Mahmoud Abu-Allaban, William Coulombe, Leland Tarnay, and Thomas A Cahill  Airborne Carbonyls from Motor Vehicle Emissions in Two Highway Tunnels Daniel Grosjean and Eric Grosjean       HEALTH  EFFECTS  INSTITUTE,  Number 107, January 2002  (Seiten 84 und 85)





50)  Brand - Motorrad Handel Braunschweig mit zahlreichen Durchzündungen - Film



51)  Weihnachtsbaumbrand im Zimmer - NIST USA Film



52)  Einflüsse der Brandgutzusammensetzung und der Verbrennungsbedingungen
auf die Entstehung mittel- und
schwerflüchtiger organischer Brandrauchinhaltstoffe

Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Naturwissenschaften
der Fakultät für Chemie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum von Andreas Bräutigam aus Hagen, Bochum 2000



53)  Diplomarbeit:  Schwel- und Glimmverhalten von Dämmstoffen

unter der Leitung von o. Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Konrad Bergmeister, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Zuzana Giertlová
Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau eingereicht an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
von Jürgen Novak Jetzing 3,  3042 Würmla  im August 2001